Finding Joy
Through Books
and Design

Spots of Joy was inspired by a deaf Dalmatian, Faith, who brought so much joy into the world everyday. Located in the heart of the Yampa Valley, near Steamboat Springs, owner, Tracy Tydeman aims to continue spreading that joy, by sharing Faith’s story via her children’s book, Meet Faith – The Story of a Deaf Dalmatian. Being a graphic designer, Tracy also offers design services to small businesses and authors, in hopes of helping others achieve their dreams and bring joy into their everyday lives.

To purchase the self-published book Meet Faith, visit my online shop. There you can also browse other small products, like greeting cards, bookmarks and stickers.
For design visit my graphic design services page or author services page, and reach out anytime if you’d like an estimate for a project to

“…As simple as this children’s board book might seem – MEET FAITH – The Story of a Deaf Dalmatian – is powerful! As an adult it made me think about how Faith met the challenges in her life – and how I might or might not be doing the same. I see this as a perfect book for children to not only read and look at on their own – but a wonderful book for grown ups to read and talk about with the little ones in their lives…”

Goodreads Reader

“OMG, this is the cutest book ever about a wonderful dog named Faith, who just happens to be a deaf Dalmatian. What a great lesson for anyone, not just dogs about being different and she did so much in her life! I LOVED this book and highly recommend it to anyone who feels like their differences maybe holding them back ;)”

Goodreads Reader

“As a mom of a special needs child, this book is exceptionally powerful and tugged at my heart strings. This is exactly the type of message I want to instill in my son- that you can do anything! Thank you, Faith, and Tracy!”

Amazon Customer

“…Turns out that I wish I’d known Faith… and I’m not even a dog person! The photo illustrations are glorious, and the text is perfect for the board book audience. I sincerely recommend this book to anyone interested in dogs, deafness, coping with challenges, and/or family fun.”

Goodreads Librarian

“[Faith’s] life story is going to teach so many kiddos how to be determined and adventurous. You have truly done amazing things.”