Where Can I Leave a Review of Meet Faith?2024-04-18T22:33:21+00:00

Reviews are EXTREMELY important and helpful for a book to be successful. If you’re looking to leave a review, firstly – THANK YOU! There are a few options for where you can leave a review:

  1. You can review the book on Amazon (even if you didn’t buy it there!)
  2. You can leave a review on GoodReads – you’ll need an account, but it’s free and easy to create.
  3. You can email me at Tracy@SpotsOfJoy.com to provide a review that I can add onto the website.
  4. Leave a review on other various platforms. There are many out there, but for example, if the book is in your library, sometimes they have an area to rate a book.
Can I Buy Your Book on Amazon?2024-01-15T18:36:25+00:00

Yes! I now have 2 paperback versions and one ebook available on Amazon. Below are the links for each book. If you’re outside the US, you can find the appropriate links here or just type “Meet Faith Deaf Dalmatian” in the search bar on Amazon.

You can also buy the board book on Amazon here. Please keep in mind that the board book version will still come directly from me, the author! Therefore, if you’re wanting the board book, I recommend you purchase it here, on my site.

I Own a Small Business – Can I afford Professional Graphic Design Services?2023-01-17T03:20:30+00:00

This will ultimately depend on your budget. However, I believe that even start-ups should be able to find good design work, that won’t break the bank before they’ve even started. Having a professional, polished brand (no matter who your audience is), is a basic building block to starting a business. My goal with Spots of Joy is to provide services catered to your needs. For this reason, I offer a special rate for Small Businesses and Non Profits. If you are interested in my graphic design services, please contact me at Tracy@SpotsOfJoy.com and I’d be happy to answer any questions and quote out a project for you.

Do You Ship Internationally?2024-04-18T22:34:50+00:00

From my website, I do not. The US does not have great options for shipping a book overseas. However, I do have versions available internationally on Amazon now. You can learn more about that on my Where to Purchase page.

What is the Recommended Age Group for Meet Faith?2024-01-15T18:41:43+00:00

Meet Faith was written for ages 0-5 years of age. However, I wrote and designed the book with all ages in mind. The reading level is simple, but the illustrations and messaging is targeted to all ages. If you have an older kid who just really loves dogs or animals or if you are an adult who loves dogs and want a simple coffee table book, Meet Faith is a great option.

BILINGUAL VERSION: The English/Spanish version is now available on Amazon and is recommended for ages 0-12, if learning English or Spanish as a second language.

Is Self-Publishing Difficult?2024-01-15T18:44:24+00:00

Yes, although don’t let that scare you off if you are considering this route. If you have written a book, or are considering doing so, research your options. There are pros and cons to all of them, but if you really want to get a book out there, you can make it happen. I had zero idea about self-publishing until I started Meet Faith. I did lots of online research and also spoke to another author. After much debate, I decided this path was the best for me. And nowadays, with options like Amazon KDP, it really does make the process a lot easier.

How Did You Create the Art for Meet Faith?2024-01-15T18:46:31+00:00

I utilized photos (many taken by Dan Tydeman and the rest were my own) and I put them on my iPad where I drew over them in Fresco. I used a colored pencil style with layers, upon layers to create very detailed drawings. It’s a time consuming process, but I do really enjoy it! If you’re curious to learn more, read my blog post about How I Illustrated Meet Faith.

Do You Offer Wholesale Pricing?2023-01-17T02:41:14+00:00

Yes! If you have a bookstore, pet store, kids store or any other shop where you think customers would be interested in Meet Faith, I would love to get you some books at wholesale costs. Please email me at Tracy@SpotsOfJoy.com so we can connect.

Why Did My Book(s) Ship Separately from My Other Items?2023-01-17T02:41:23+00:00

If you select Media Mail for shipping, the package is required to only have books in there. Nothing else, aside from packaging, is allowed. So if you order other items, the may arrive a little ahead or a little behind your book(s).

Why Does My Book Have Ink Blotches or Streaks?2023-01-17T03:27:58+00:00

If you notice any sort of ink drops, blotches or discoloring in any area, please email me at Tracy@SpotsOfJoy.com, and I’d be happy to correct this. The printer had some sort of malfunction causing some books to have distorted printer ink. The mistake wasn’t noticed in the first few dozen orders, so it’s possible your book slipped through the cracks.

Why Did My Book Warp or Bow?2023-01-17T02:41:48+00:00

Several weeks after I received my book shipment, it became apparent that some of the books were warping just a little (most around the page where Faith is with her “friends”). Some were also bowing a bit. After a few more weeks, it was clear that most were doing this – some more than others. This was due to a printer error and they are working hard to replace my order. Since the defect is small, I am still selling the books, but at a discounted rate of $7.99. Should you have a book that was purchased at full price, and feel a partial refund is warranted, please contact me at Tracy@SpotsOfJoy.com. Should you wish to purchase a book that is not defective, please check back on my website in a few months or sign-up to my newsletter at the bottom of my website for updates.

If you are curious of the amount of warping, here is what most are doing:

An here is an example of one that warped more significantly.

Does Spots of Joy Collect Credit Card Information?2023-01-17T03:22:55+00:00

No, Spots of Joy does not collect or hold any credit card information. Businesses, like Spots of Joy need to utilize a “payment gateway” in order to take payments. Spots of Joy uses Square for all transactions.

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